Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Test Your Knowledge!

So it’s the end of this blog project and I’ve hope you’ve learned something. To test your knowledge, here’s a little quiz:

1. True or False: Unplugging chargers when they’re not being used conserves energy.
2. Multiple Choice: The most abundant greenhouse gas is…
a. Methane
b. Water Vapor
c. Nitrogen
d. Carbon Dioxide
3. Fill in the Blank: Global warming can be defined as an average increase in the temperature of the __________ near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere
4. Optimum fuel economy is reached at __________ mph.
5. President Obama plans to implement a(n) __________ plan to reduce carbon emissions.
6. Matching:
a. CFCs
b. Incentives
c. Bamboo
1. Tax credits given to people by the government for being environmentally friendly
2. Inexpensive floor material that is “green”
3. Chlorofluorocarbons
7. List you favorite green tip! :)

Alright, each number is 10 points and for the multiple choice section each letter is separate for a total of 100 points. Here are the answers…
1. True
2. B
3. Atmosphere
4. 60
5. Cap-and-Trade
6. A. 3
B. 1
C. 2
7. As long as you list a green tip, there’s no wrong answer!

That was pretty easy, so I hope you did well. Here are some things I’d like you to take out of this blog:
1. Global warming is REAL. It is not some extravagant idea made up by scientists. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon that we as humans are speeding up the process of.
2. To reduce human impact on global warming, we can be green! Start implementing environmentally friendly practices into your everyday habits and rituals. Once you do something over and over, it will stick.
3. All of the green tips! This kind of goes along with point number 2, but ease up on the gas pedal, don’t take those ATM receipts, and unplug your chargers and appliances when you’re not using them.
4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. You hear this everywhere I’m sure. It’s like the go green mantra. Nevertheless, it is important. Reduce the waste you make, reuse the containers that you use, and recycle the waste you have that can be recycled. It’s that simple.
5. Energy conservation is an important part of going green too. Energy Star appliances are excellent devices to help conserve energy in your home.

Green Tip Antall Ti (Number Ten): It’s the final green tip that I will give. How sad. I thought I would tell you all about Freecycling. Freecycle is a cool way to get rid of the stuff you have laying around that you don’t want or need. Also, you can get other people’s junk for free! It all goes with reduce, reuse, recycle. Remember that saying “one man’s junk, another man’s treasure?” Go try out and search for a group in your area to find some “treasure” of your own. There are SO many ways out there to do little things to go green. Check out this website,, it gives lots of tips! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading!
-Green Is Good.

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